Using the Myna Docker Container

To use the containerized version of Myna and it’s open-source dependencies, you can use the Myna Docker container hosted at

  1. Install Docker Desktop under an appropriate license.
  2. Open Docker Desktop.
  3. Pull the Myna Docker image. In the bottom right of the Docker Desktop window, click “Terminal” (if prompted, hit “enable”) and enter docker pull Once completed, the image will show up in the “Images” tab of Docker.
  4. (Optional) Link your data directory or server to a Docker volume that can be used across multiple Docker instances. Use the docker volume create command, following the documentation for your specific data configuration.
  5. (Optional) If you use Visual Studio Code for your development environment, then you can install the Docker and Dev Containers extensions to work with Docker containers from within Visual Studio Code.
  6. Launch an interactive Docker container to execute code within the Docker environment:
    • From a command terminal: docker run -it
    • From Visual Studio Code: Click on the Docker tab on left-hand navigation bar. Select the container, right-click and select Run interactive. A new entry will appear in the “container” section. Right-click the container and select Attach Visual Studio Code. For more detailed instructions and troubleshooting, see the Docker extension documentation.
  7. Within the Docker container, the Myna examples are located at /opt/myna/examples/. These can be copied to your current working directory with cp -r /opt/myna/examples ./myna_examples. To run examples, follow the instructions at Getting Started: Using Myna.